Monday, August 24, 2015

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How much is motorbike insurance compared to the auto insurance?

Keywords :insurance,auto insurance,motorbike insurance

I just wondered because one of my friends told me that half the pay your car insurance a month and pays $ 300 and it seems pretty steep.

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That's steep, I pay about $ 50 / month for the bike. But it depends on the bike and where you live. My bike is 650cc live in Los Angeles


It depends motorcycle and driver.
I had a 1995 Kawasaki Vulcan 750 I paid $ 70 per year for liability insurance. Comprehensive coverage is about $ 220 / year.
I could never find a cheap car insurance for even a whisk.

However, I have heard of cases where a 18-year-old pays over $ 3,000 a year for a newer model Ducati.
Overall, it depends.

Depends on many things .... the replacement cost of the bike, your driving record and your credit.

Some bikes cost as much as a car, so it can be quite expensive to insure! In addition, more cc motorcycle is more difficult to obtain.

Speak directly progressive .... try to get one of the best rate motorcylce


I pay $ 86 / month for a 1600cc Nomad 2,007 in Phoenix. That's with a clean record, MSF course and a discount of several vehicles.

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