Friday, August 28, 2015

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CEO Women Of 'Tech Playboy' golpea a los críticos

Technology industry is not only full of women, so any publication that describes itself as "technology blog meets Maxim" was bound to be controversial.

Indeed, when hit Hot Tech today trade last month, he met with a torrent of anger. Now to the second issue, the magazine juxtaposes regular coverage technology with soft-core erotica, arguing that men receive the latest gadgets as sexy as a scantily clad woman.

After insignia came out, she took digital blogs angry feminist, compared Tech Today Hot Playboy and warned that only serve to scare women away from a lucrative career as a force ai Silicon Valley.

Now the CEO of the online daily female answered his critics. In an open letter to "women in technology", Erica Williams said the response to the new website was "great" despite "relentless attack from a small but vocal minority."

Tech Alert for hot today

"We definitely saw a certain level of reaction in this sense, and frankly, we're fine with that," Wiliams wrote a letter, addressed to me by email. "It is our magazine for everyone, and anyone who gets in our objectionable material sung go elsewhere for technology news. What is surprising, however, is that the position is still very bad strong execution some of our critics that our magazine a degrading way for women in general and women working in the technology industry in particular.

"As a woman professional success is focused on is not hard to be offended by the accusations, especially because they are so wrong. I challenge anyone anything Hot Tech to find today, it would be in our articles, videos, or photo spreads, thereby degrade or disparage any one. Do we have to accept sexuality? Of course! sexuality is something wrong? We and millions of other people think. "

"I'm sure none of what I have said, done, or published in any way reflects negatively on women working in high-tech industries."

She went on to note that calendars with "buff, bare-chested usually" hit the shelves fire several times a year, without complaint.

However, there is a long way to go to convince women that "attractive technology represents" a shtick is but useless Williams.

In an open letter published in the Huffington Post, said Ellie Dawes's "sexist" packaging magazine "tech news with great lateral portion of misogyny".

Write on the Bold, Kia Kolderup-Rail went a step further and said that women could today scare away the hot technology of high-tech careers.

"Apply warm Tech Today Playboy me in many ways, as objectified six women as nothing more than sex things, and how to sell sex, this is not the message we want to get more women and girls in Engineering Science Technology and Mathematics (STEM) fields trying to spread, "he wrote. "We've heard all about the number of frustrated women in the technology industry and we have seen the decline in the number of young women steps to take computer science in college. Why set up a roadblock to other women to jump above before they are set to our male counterparts, especially in male industry driven? "

Currently, the hot technology today to issue three centerfold shoot, we can only assume that it will not be the last Macbook Air, but its future is far from certain. As with any online venture, the success of technology today Hot fairly easy to assess. Proud of the Twitter page is only 71 followers, while its Facebook page has been liked by just over 2000 people. Most of the reviews are less than positive, with Facebookers closing the "idiot" magazine.

But something of a trend is developing to meet sex and technology, clearly reflected in the new company called Code Babes offers classes with pictures of women in various states of nudity coding. Although this is or is not a parody, pointing to the fact that the younger technology, hot men, companies are going to use sex to sell things.

Unfortunately, it's not as if the long-term relationship between technology and gender (Turismo?) The country will end.


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